Jumat, 20 Juli 2012

Oxford Dictionary + pronunctiation sound

Welcome to my blog! today zakarias blog want to share you about software that can increase your english learn! for people who loves to study english, this software is very helpfull and great... altought the page is simple but the use of this software is very amazing ! ok
cocok untuk para mahasiswa yang suka bahasa inggris ..
Book Version
There is a book and software version ^_^
Software version
This software is very spesial in this blog, because it takes 4,5 hour to uploaded.. ( very long time ) * tired, and i share it just for you my friends !
How to install this software..
1. Extract the two file winrar ( oxford.part 1.rar and oxford part 2.rar ) in same folder location.
2. wait for progress
3. Happy learning english!

Want to download this software ??? Of course !
Oxford + pronunctiation sound ^_^
part 1 : HERE
part 2 : HERE
Password : zakariasblog ( if needed )

Sobat zakarias blog gak akan rugi deh download ini!! meskipun size filenya lumayan besar! dijamin puas + nambah pengetahuan banget!! Berani Jamin !

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